Contribute to Brown Baggers Critical Mission and Become Someone’s Hero Today

The Brown Baggers School Food Program of Sullivan County accepts the following items on an ongoing basis:
- Breakfast Items: oatmeal, individual-size cereal boxes, breakfast bars, pop tarts, and more
- Entrees: Hormel meals, mac and cheese, cans of beef stew, hash, chicken and dumplings, soup, Vienna sausages, Beanie Weanies, Chef Boyardee, tuna and chicken salad kits, and more
- Sides: fruit cups, gelatin cups, veggie cups, chips, ramen noodle packs, applesauce cups, and more
- Snacks: peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers, Goldfish crackers, granola bars, fruit bars, fruit roll-ups, fruit snacks, and more
- Beverages: boxed juice and shelf-stable milk
Additionally, you can volunteer to help bag at our facility and make deliveries to local schools and homes.
Contact Project Manager Kay Brewer to make arrangements: 812-239-6090.

Claim SUPERHERO status today with your tax-deductible donation.
“No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.”
–Calvin Coolidge (1872–1933)